Rates & Booking

How to book your stay at the Irish Girl Guides cottage, Mote Park, Co. Roscommon.


Deposit: €50 – payable on booking.


€8 per Irish Girl Guide member, per night.
€10 per person, per night


€5 per Irish Girl Guide member, per night.
€8 per person, per night.

Electricity: Included in above rates

Rubbish: Visitors are expected to take rubbish generated away with them, however if this is not possible pre-paid rubbish bags are available to purchase. €6 per bin tag.

Cleaning: Visitors are required to complete and sign a Departure Checklist, if additional cleaning is found to be necessary a charge of €30 will be added to the final balance due.

Payment: Final outstanding balance due for payment within 2 weeks of departure date.

MOTE PARK BADGES: €1 each – don’t forget to order and pay for yours when booking!


To book a date please telephone Mary Kelly 087 285 4769

or email: booking@iggcottageroscommon.com.

Please download, print and complete the Booking Form.

Please download and print the Housekeeping Instructions.

Return as directed on the form enclosing €50 deposit, cheques made payable to Irish Girl Guides.